How to Renew for Volunteers, Leaders and Coaches
For current and past members who are volunteers, leaders coaches and signed-off competent assistants.
Go to our Membership Portal and follow the prompts to register.
Then go to the “MEMBERSHIP” tab, add both Full CANI and Erne Paddlers memberships to your cart, fill in your details and checkout. Full instructions are included in the EP Membership forms.
Any problems, please come back and read the full guide below.
Full Guide
Login to our Membership Portal using the email address you used to register with us or CANI.
If you have ever been a member of Erne Paddlers, CANI or an affiliated club, or are on our mailing list you will already have an account. This may have been created for you by a club admin.
If you try to create a new account with the same email address already registered you will get the error message, “This email address already exists”.
In this case, please use the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password and login.
If you are not sure, have a search in your emails for an email from with the subject, “Canoe Association of Northern Ireland: Account Registration” to confirm.
Your email will have been used as your username and this will likely be the same email that you have received any correspondence from CANI (or Erne Paddlers) at.
It is important to avoid creating duplicate accounts.
Renew your memberships.
Before you add an Erne Paddlers membership, you must add a CANI ClubMember Affiliate Membership to the cart.
This is the fee that goes to CANI, providing you with a range of benefits (see Benefits section below), including third party insurance. CANI Membership (either; Full, Recreational, Life, Junior or Affiliate) is an essential requirement for all EP Club members.
Volunteers, leaders, coaches and signed-off competent assistants will need Full CANI membership to cover their coaching/volunteering insurance and this fee will be reimbursed by EP for active volunteers.
Once you have added Full CANI Membership to your cart, you can then add your Erne Paddlers Membership.
To renew, please follow these steps:
Login to our Membership Portal as above.
Click on “MEMBERSHIP” in the green menu banner at the top of the page.
Add Full CANI Membership:
There are 3 red tiles in the CANI section, click on the one on the bottom, “Membership”, or if you have in-date full CANI membership you should see this here with the amount of time left before you can renew. (If you have CANI membership, skip to step 4 to add Erne Paddlers membership via the purple tile.)
Here you should see a yellow tile, “Full”, it's the only option here, so its preselected and slightly greyed out, so scroll down and check “I agree to the CANI terms, etc” and click on “Save and Continue” or on “no, not yet” if you get the “proceed to cart popup”
You might get some CANI pop-ups here to make sure you have agreed to the Code of Conduct, etc. use “ok” those to continue.
You will then be redirected to any areas of the CANI membership info that have not already been completed, e.g Equality, etc. Please complete the mandatory fields here. There are options for “prefer not to say. “Or“not disclosed” if you prefer.
The “save” button is at the top of the page for this one, not at the bottom.
Unfortunately, on saving the Equality info your cart item is lost and you need to go back to “MEMBERSHIP”, then the red CANI tile “Membership” and add the CANI “Full” membership to the cart and click “Finish”
On the popup, click “no, not yet” and this will take you back to the membership options
Add Erne Paddlers Membership:
Select the purple “Erne Paddlers” tile
You should see 3 tiles here, please select “Renewal” - the middle one.
This will take you to the new EP Membership form.
Please work your way down this form following the instructions and filing in all the details.
Any form fields previously completed will already be filled in, and this is what will make this good for every subsequent use
Click “finish” at the bottom, then “proceed to cart”
In the cart you should have your CANI membership and your EP membership
Complete checkout with your preferred payment option.
Finally, you might like to know, that all the membership info is stored in your profile for both CANI fields and EP fields and you can login and update at any time.
Congratulations, you are now an Erne Paddlers member and affiliated to CANI!